遊戲介紹(What is this game?)
《Fire in the hole》是我們小組「undefinedZero」在Global Game Jam 2021裡,以Lost And Found為題完成的一款2D像素風格的平台跳躍遊戲demo。“光”——是我們這個遊戲最核心的主題,玩家最主要的目標,就是要在沒有了光的深淵中,避開沿途上的危險,有效地利用過程中的各種機關,最後到達能量殆盡的光源,燃燒自己的生命去將其點燃,照亮深淵。
《Fire in the hole》is a 2D pixel platform game created by our team “undefinedZero” during Global Game Jam 2021 – Lost And Found. Under this topic, we choose “Light” as our main element. Players’ target is to reach the goal and lit the cave up after passing all traps and enemies inside a dark environment.
Therefore, players will stay in a cave without light, they have to shoot their energy to lit up the path, or trigger something which can help player lit up the path or hurt players. After all of these, the player will finally reach the goal.
遊戲玩法(How to Play?)
- 左右移動(Left/Right Move ): A/D
- 跳(Jump): Space
- 射撃(Shoot): J
- *每次射撃會消耗一點生命值(Every single shoot costs 1 hp)
- (組名)Team Name :
- (成員)Team Members :
- (程策)Programmer and Designer: LoneliNerd
- (程策)Programmer and Designer: RFON
- (美策)Artist and Designer: SunSun
我的主要負責部分(My Main Duty)
- 2D光照控制和後處理(2D Light Control & Post-Processing)
- 敵人邏輯(Enemy’s Logic )
- 敵人和環境的動畫控制(Enemy’s and Environment’s Animation Control)