Determine if a 9 x 9
Sudoku board is valid. Only the filled cells need to be validated according to the following rules:
Each row must contain the digits
without repetition.Each column must contain the digits
without repetition.Each of the nine
3 x 3
sub-boxes of the grid must contain the digits1-9
without repetition.
A Sudoku board (partially filled) could be valid but is not necessarily solvable.
Only the filled cells need to be validated according to the mentioned rules.
Example 1:
Input: board =
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: board =
Output: false
Explanation: Same as Example 1, except with the 5 in the top left corner being modified to 8. Since there are two 8's in the top left 3x3 sub-box, it is invalid.
board.length == 9
board[i].length == 9
is a digit or'.'
- 每一行必須包含1-9所有數字,不能重複
- 每一列必須包含1-9所有數字,不能重複
- 每一個3*3共9格的子網格必須包含1-9所有數字,不能重複
行/列的重複驗證比較簡單,只要使用兩層循環即可。外層循環(i)決定了當前循環的交點,交點是從左上角移動到右下角的,因此當i = 0時,交點位於左上角,i = 8時,交點位於右下角,每一次外層循環都會創建一個行HashSet和列HashSet,供內層循環檢查行列元素時使用;內層循環則是以當前交點為基礎,在行和列上的元素遍歷,並把值加到Hash裡。遍歷流程可參考下方示意圖:

完成行列檢查後,就可以檢查子盒子的重複元素。整個數獨板的大小是9*9,每個子盒子的大小是3*3,也就是我們有3*3 = 9個子盒子。
public class Solution {
public bool IsValidSudoku(char[][] board) {
//Row/Col Check
for(int i = 0; i < board.Length; i++)
HashSet<int> rowHash = new HashSet<int>();
HashSet<int> colHash = new HashSet<int>();
for(int j = 0; j < board[0].Length; j++)
if(board[i][j] != '.' && !rowHash.Add(board[i][j])){ return false; } //Col Check
if(board[j][i] != '.' && !colHash.Add(board[j][i])){ return false; } //Row Check
//Box Check
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
HashSet<int> boxHash = new HashSet<int>();
int boxStartX = 3 * i; //0, 3, 6
int boxEndX = 3 * i + 3; //3, 6, 9
int boxStartY = 3 * j; //0, 3, 6
int boxEndY = 3 * j + 3; //3, 6, 9
for(int bx = boxStartX; bx < boxEndX; bx++)
for(int by = boxStartY; by < boxEndY; by++)
if(board[bx][by] != '.' && !boxHash.Add(board[bx][by])){ return false; }